MPP is my personal finance tracker application that helps me monitor my income and expenses on a daily basis. It is a user-friendly web app that provides detailed statistics about expenses based on a predefined budget
- Developed the web app from scratch using the TypeScript ecosystem, leveraging Next.js as the framework, NextAuth for authentication, and tRPC for type-safe communication between the server and client. Additionally, utilized Tailwind CSS for efficient and responsive styling
- Hosted the project on Vercel, integrating it with Vercel Postgres, a serverless SQL database solution. Additionally, implemented cron jobs to automate daily, weekly, and monthly tasks
- Implemented dependency injection using Inversify to ensure better separation of concerns, improve testability, and enhance maintainability and flexibility. Combined this approach with a modular architecture to optimize project structure and scalability
- Integration of Meilisearch, a blazing-fast search engine, as the core of the catalogue. This intelligent search engine delivers lightning-quick response times, ensuring a seamless and frustration-free user experience